DMT 1ml Purecybin – 700mg DMT


The Spirit Molecule

<div&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;extracted from Brazilian Mimosa Hostilis root bark

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    • 1ml</li>
    • 70
    • 0MG DMT
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    • its easy with 510 thread cartridges


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DOSAGE GUIDELINES:4mg DMT per 3 second pull
Light: 1-5 pulls 4 – 24 mg
Medium: 6-10 pulls 24 – 50 mg
Strong: 10+ pulls 50+ mg

      • Free shipping on orders above $150 (ships on Wednesdays and Saturdays)
      • Flat rate shipping takes 3-4 days for delivery
      • Express shipping goes out same day and takes 1-2 days for delivery.



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